During this post we will go through an issue that you may face if you have Win32 App assigned as available, and you need to let the user uninstall this app from the company portal after it was installed using Allow available uninstall option in app configuration
But for some reason the user couldn’t do this action
Let’s see what is the issue, Is it expected, and how we can solve it
Let’s Go 😊
Table of Contents
The problem: Allow available uninstall Not working
You configured a Win32 app “Notepad ++”
The app assigned as available to a group of users “for sure users not devices 😊”
The user can see the App in the company portal.
The user can install the app successfully — All good No issue
Now, the user want to uninstall app from the company portal “I’m a user who installed the app so I have the right to uninstall it ”
The user open company portal and choose the app, but there is no Uninstall option, only the user can reinstall
Then …
User: Hi, Mr. Admin
Admin: Hi, How can I help you?
User: Why I couldn’t uninstall app from company portal, I already installed it using company portal, so I’m expecting to have uninstall option?
Admin: What is the name of the App, please
User: The app is Notepad++
Admin: Is it only for this app?
User: Yes, Other apps I have the option to uninstall
Admin: Ok let me check and get back to you, maybe “Allow available uninstall” is not configured
Troubleshooting: Allow available uninstall Not working
Let’s first check if the app is configured to allow the user to uninstall it from the company portal
Allow available uninstall should be configured with Yes
The option “Allow available uninstall” is set to “Yes”
And as per Microosft document
Allow available uninstall: Select Yes to provide the uninstall option for this app for users from the Company Portal. Select No to prevent users from uninstalling the app from the Company Portal.
So, why couldn’t the user uninstall app from company portal
Checking Company portal logs: No relevant events related to why there is no “uninstall” option
All events related to the app installation progress from “ApprovedforInstall” to “Installed” status
Request to track – ApplicationId: urn:StatelessIWService/Applications(GuidKey=AppID’,StringKey=”) Status: ApprovedForInstall
Request to track – ApplicationId: urn:StatelessIWService/Applications(GuidKey=AppID’,StringKey=”) Status: PendingInstall
Request to track – ApplicationId: urn:StatelessIWService/Applications(GuidKey=AppID’,StringKey=”) Status: Downloading
Request to track – ApplicationId: urn:StatelessIWService/Applications(GuidKey=AppID’,StringKey=”) Status: Installed
The solution: Allow available uninstall Not working
The issue is that the app is added as a dependency to other win32 app.
So, the Notepad++ application is added as a dependency to other application which blocking the uninstall option for the Notepad++ from the company portal
Doing some research on Microosft documents I can find it mentioned between lines 😊
Each dependency will adhere to Intune Win32 app retry logic (try to install three times after waiting for five minutes) and the global reevaluation schedule. Dependencies aren’t applicable for uninstalling a Win32 app. However, if it’s set as a dependent app, the Company Portal won’t show the uninstall button for the app. To delete a dependency, you must select the ellipsis (three dots) to the left of the dependent app located at the end of the row of the dependency list.
After removing the dependency, The user can see the uninstall option for the app from the company portal
Note: Need to check also if Supersedence option also affecting the “Uninstall” option, maybe will be in other post
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